How to make Kedgeree

A Breakfast Delight: The Art of Making Kedgeree

Rise and shine to the delightful world of Kedgeree, a quintessential British breakfast dish that combines the richness of flavors with a touch of exotic spices. Originating from the colonial era, Kedgeree weaves together the aromatic complexities of Indian cuisine with the comforting familiarity of British ingredients. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, this article will guide you through the journey of creating a mouthwatering Kedgeree that will have your taste buds dancing with joy.

From Flavors to Techniques: Mastering Kedgeree with a Smile

1. Embrace the Flavors of the East and West

Kedgeree is a harmonious blend of ingredients that creates a symphony of flavors. Begin by cooking long-grain basmati rice in vegetable or chicken broth to infuse it with a hint of savory goodness. For the main protein, flaky smoked haddock is traditionally used, but you can also experiment with smoked salmon or even tofu for a vegetarian twist. The spices are where the magic happens, so generously sprinkle ground turmeric, cumin, coriander, and a pinch of chili for a subtle kick. Finish it off by stirring in chopped parsley, spring onions, and a squeeze of lemon juice to brighten the dish. The result is a fragrant melange that will transport you to culinary bliss.

2. Master the Art of Cooking

To create a Kedgeree that leaves your taste buds singing, you need to master the art of cooking. Start by gently poaching the smoked haddock or salmon in milk for a few minutes until it becomes tender. The fish should easily flake when gently prodded with a fork. Remove the fish from the milk, leaving the milk infused with its delicate flavors. In a separate pan, sauté finely chopped onions in butter until they become translucent, then add the spices to awaken their aroma. Finally, add the cooked rice and flaked fish to the pan, gently stirring the ingredients together. A touch of salt and pepper to taste is the final flourish before serving this masterpiece on a plate.

3. Pizzazz with Garnishes

Now that you’ve mastered the flavors and techniques, it’s time to add a touch of pizzazz with garnishes. Kedgeree is often accompanied by a selection of condiments to enhance its taste. Dot the dish with hard-boiled eggs, quartered or sliced, for a velvety texture and added protein. A dollop of tangy mango chutney or a sprinkle of crispy fried onions will bring a burst of contrasting flavors. For a refreshing twist, serve Kedgeree with wedges of juicy lime or a side of cooling cucumber raita. These garnishes not only add visual appeal but also elevate the taste to new heights, ensuring that every bite is a delightful experience.


Congratulations, you have now become a Kedgeree aficionado! With its harmonious fusion of flavors and artful techniques, Kedgeree is sure to become a star on your breakfast table. So, don your apron, gather your ingredients, and embark on this culinary adventure that will leave you with a smile and a satisfied belly. Get ready to delight in the magic of Kedgeree as you awaken your senses to its rich and aromatic symphony.

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